
The importance of Touch

November 12, 2019

The importance of Touch

Portland Reflexology is all about gentle touch, so it’s no wonder my Medicare clients come consistently. I say this because of the experience I had when I met my new doctor and went over Medicare-required questions for 90 minutes. 

Here’s what happened: 

She typed. Then she typed some more. She asked about drinking, exercise, appetite, sex... a whole range of human behaviors, and she just kept typing.

The most striking thing to me? She never examined me — or even touched me.  

At the very end, I asked if she ever touched her patients during an appointment. “Not for Medicare," she said. A bit stunned, I left. I'm not sure this new doctor is for me, because I know the value of healing touch. Even my dentist puts his hand on my shoulder when he finishes his work. Touch is just that important to the healing process.

Please come for a reflexology appointment soon. No questions asked... just gentle touch and listening to whatever is on your mind.

Talking about Reflexology on MindBodyRadio 

Recently I had an opportunity to tell people about reflexology on this streaming radio station. After 11 years in Portland I’m still passionate about what I do. Why? Because you tell me it makes a difference in your life and you feel better. Yes, Portland Reflexology is all about you. So thank you again for coming. 

Listen to my interview on MindBodyRadio by clicking this link: 

Nancie Hines Art creates a shipping department

When people saw my art on Instagram during the Art in the Pearl Festival in Portland, a few people called and asked if I could ship art. These dear people live in California. Yes, I said. Though I wasn’t quite set up for it, I figured if Amazon can ship all over the world, I can, too. 

And so I went off to research boxes and cardboard corners, packing tape and shipping costs. Then my webmaster, Cherie Collins with HomeSpun Websites, taught me how to set up my shop on when I thought I was getting old, here I am selling art online, wrestling to understand my first iPhone, and doing applications for Summer 2020 art festivals!

(My Nancie Hines Art logo.)

There’s never a dull day at NancieHinesArt and PortlandReflexology!

Again, thank you for being part of all this. There’s so much to be grateful for, and I am.

Happy Thanksgiving.  
-- Nancie

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Nancie Hines, MA

OR LMT 18833

Oregon Reflexology Network
National Certified Reflexologist

(1 of 2 Nationally Certified in Portland)

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